Our Mission

Freeing people by God’s grace to be a people of grace, bearing witness to grace.

Freed to


Freed to


Freed to


Freed to



Christianity starts and ends with the overwhelming grace of God. He rescues and forgives us when we are dead in our sin. He keeps and loves us even as we struggle. He works growth and new life in us as we learn to follow Jesus. He works through us to show His love and hope to the world. This is the foundation on which we stand as a church and the core of who we are.


Who We Are

Grace Central Church was formed in 1980 with four families, (3 of whom are still active in our church!) We are a diverse group of believers committed to the gospel, growing as disciples, and being about God’s mission in the world. We also strive to be a church planting church, having helped plant several churches in the Greater Omaha area.

What We Believe

Grace is committed to the authority of Scripture, the historic beliefs of the Christian church, and the high view of God’s grace recovered in the Protestant Reformation. We are a member of the Presbyterian Church in America and subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith as the doctrinal standard for our leaders. We are also a part of the Gospel Coalition.